Avon Lake, Ohio
Shower-to-Tub Conversions From a Reputable Contractor
The bathtub in your bathroom simply serves as a basin for the shower—it’s hardly an inviting space where you can enjoy a long soak at the end of the day. If you’re ready for a change, turn to Premier Home Pros for a shower-to-tub conversion. We can replace your bathing system with a gorgeous soaker tub that will transform your ...
Tub-to-Shower Conversion in as Little as One Day
Are you aging at home or living with mobility limitations? If so, you may find it increasingly challenging to maintain your balance while stepping into and out of a bathtub. To improve safety in your bathroom and help you bathe more independently, turn to Premier Home Pros for a tub-to-shower conversion. Benefits of Converting Your Bathtub Into a Shower Whether ...